Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Stranger

A connection I had was that when I was younger I was once frightened of a monster in my dreams. Just like how this girl from the book was in a cave and ended up seeing this monster and she was shocked as well. Except that she was in a cave and not in a dream. She was actually taken out of the cave by the same monster for some reason. I wondered why it would do that to her, then it had said "never come back again".

Friday, November 6, 2015

Goals for quarter two

My goal for this quarter is to read as many books as possible this quarter.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I found an interesting book and it's about how these four kids who found treasure and then they find out that it belongs to a dragon. The dragon then plans to attack the town unless it finds the treasure. I found that part interesting because I like action and adventure books. If you are a person who likes action and adventure then this is a just right book for you.