Thursday, May 19, 2016

Compare and contrast

I'm reading Misfit and i read Eaters of the dead, and i found some contrasts. One of them talks about demons and the other almost talks about Greek mythology. In the text of Eaters of the dead it says, "The custom of pederasty is counted by the Turks a terrible sin." This proves that it's almost like Greek mythology. The text in Misfit says, "He gently lays his webbed hand on her head." This proves that this book talks about demons and other spooky things that are happening in this book. Read Misfit to find out what's happening in her life. What books did you ever compare?

Sunday, May 8, 2016


I'm reading this new book called Misfit, and it's pretty funny because in the beginning she talks about her hair being so tangled. In the book it says, "It's actually really convenient that I can store all my pens and pencils in my hair." I thought that was funny because she saying that pens and pencils can be in her hair. Another quote says, "I'll just grow my hair a little longer so you don't even have to get folders this year!" This quote also made me laugh because she is saying that she would fit everything in her hair. What funny book did you ever read?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Eaters of the dead connection

I'm reading this book called "Eaters of the dead" and I found a connection . In the text it says, "That night we beached upon a rocky shore made of stones the size of a man's fist, and there Buliwyf, the land called Yatlam". I connected to this because when I went to the beach with my family I ended up seeing this small rock about the size of a man's fist along the shore. It wasn't too small or too big it was medium size. We also found another one but it was a little bit more big, about two fists. Did you ever find a rock that's about the size of a fist?

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Eaters of the dead

Im reading this book called, Eaters of the dead. This is an interesting book because it sounds like Greek mythology. In the book it says, "The ruler of the Oguz Turks is called kudarkin". When I was reading this quote, the first thing I thought about was Greek mythology because people always say the ruler of this is called this. Another quote I found was, "None of the muhammadans can enter Turkish country until one of the Oguz agrees to become his host". This quote also seemed like it was Greek because in Greek stories they would always say like an aquriment in order to do something. Overall this book is cool.